Leading Innovation
in Genetically-Designed

Première étude évaluant le transfert placentaire d’anticorps maternels après immunisation par des vaccins recombinants contre la coqueluche pendant la grossesse.

“Les résultats de l’étude ont montré chez 500 femmes que la vaccination durant la grossesse par un vaccin coquelucheux recombinant était bien tolérée et qu’elle induisait un transfert placentaire élevé des anticorps anticoquelucheux aux nourrissons.”

Accelerate Access to Vaccines with Tailored Solutions

BioNet is a biotech company focusing on bio-innovation and access to genetically-designed vaccines with business and clinical operations in North America, Europe, Australia and with a manufacturing base in Asia.

In a state-of-the-art facility, more than 200 people across the globe are fully dedicated to the development, manufacturing and supply of vaccines against re-emerging and pandemic diseases.

Pertussis News

Alliance Network for Global Vaccine Access

With the belief that sharing vaccine expertise can accelerate the development of new technologies and the access to vaccines, we have been building innovative bio-clusters and driving manufacturing alliances with universities, research institutes, international organizations, biotech start-ups and vaccine manufacturers.